Recently, WordPress has released an update with WordPress 3.9 Beta 1 version. This is another major release, developed under the plugins-as-features development model.
Below you can see and learn about some new new features that are going to be included in WordPress 3.9 along with some screenshots. WordPress 3.9 is still in beta, so some of these features may not make into the final release but we shall hope to be added in the same or in the next release.
WordPress Visual Editor Updated
Visual Editor in the WordPress is based on TinyMCE editor which is an open source software. TinyMCE recently released a major update to the software which is going to be added in this WordPress update. Now, the WordPRess 3.9 is focused on improving the writing/editing experience in WordPress where some of these improvements can be:
Live Gallery previews in the Visual Editor
This new WordPress release update will allow users to view the Gallery Images preview withing the dashboard post/page visual editor. so that you can manage without previewing to the next tab or page and can make work faster and will save some bandwidth (data).
This release will also going to allow direct files drag and drop on the visual editor to upload them in the WordPress gallery, no need of clicking the “add media” button and using file path to upload the media files…
Moreover, there is another good thing regarding media images i.e. you may be able to edit, crop and manage the uploaded images instead of using them as it is… but, still I personally would recommend you to upload the image already customized (saves server space).
Most useful and Major update in WordPress 3.9 version
This update is bringing “Live Widget Previews in Theme Customizer“, yes, from now on managing a widget will be better and easier and adding or trying widgets won’t require an updated widget section to view what’s the result.
This is going to be great as many plugins adds widgets in WordPress, if you want to use such a WP_Plugin then you can easily check out the live result of that plugin without letting others to see (like earlier we needed to update widget and view live).
Another major media update in WordPress 3.9 version
User will be allowed to upload multiple audio or video files and attach them easily on a page or post as music-list gallery. Although, this feature will not be used by many users but, would really be loved by people who were searching the way have a media site.
Extremely useful for Musicians, Advertisers, Photo-Shooting, Music Bands, DJ’s, Trendy sites, even Newz | Media, etc…
Other Features Updated in WordPress 3.9 version
User interface is improved in the selection or install theme options, which will use updated featured images as screen shot of the themes available and even, you can easily switch between the option tab like new | search | latest etc… without re-loading a page the options will be switched, just like using a tab menu.
Another good thing for developers is that they can manage the crop position of the images used as thumbnails or other required sizes for their plugins or functions.
Auto-save feature refactored which was under consideration over years…
It is going to be a exciting a new release as it is going to be excited about the visual editor updates. It will greatly improve post writing experience for many WordPress users and newbies as the user input will be as easy as working on a word file on your system itself.
Okay, What new more features you would like or expect to be in WordPress 3.9 and what you would like to see in the upcoming releases by leaving a comment below…
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Posted by: Himanshu Goel
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