Monday, 21 April 2014

Today’s world definitely relies more on Facebook. Almost everyone has a Facebook account and most of the time FB is a relief from outside stressed out world. One gets more and more fascinated by the amazing everyday changes in FB.

Let’s look at some points which could make your Facebook account rock.

  • Timeline

Make your Timeline visible to your friends circle so that they can post on your walls, share video, music, photos and so on.Timeline highlights your most memorable posts, life event and photos.

  • Tag Maps

Tag your maps so that your friends can know which place you are exactly travelling and there is always a chance of meeting your friends.Let your friends know about your worldly travels.

  • Cover Photo

Use Timeline’s Cover Photo to update your cover page and try putting good photos which enhances scenic beauty. Try repositioning the same so that the picture could lure the spectator’s eyes and mind.

  • Tagging Photos and Videos

Try tagging your close friends and relatives when you upload pictures. This will help in surety of them, not missing any of your pictures.

  • Add Life events

Adding a life event is sharing experiences of your life in different stages. Work & Education, Family & Relationshipsare the categories and you can use them to memorize each moment of your life.

  • Fake profiles, Spam’s and Apps

It is always better to stay away from fake Ids and spam messages. Be very careful when you share links on your timeline. If you find any kind of message fake, do not hesitate to mark it as spam. And also be very careful in sifting an authentic profile and fake profile. There is en number of applications which hassles you when you use Facebook. There is an option called “Block” where you can restrict applications and also people, whom you wish block.

  • Create Page

If you are pretty much good at any kind creativity, Facebook provides you the best option of creating pages. One can create pages for any purpose and promote it too. Be it an advertisement, business or any category, creating a page would help you interact more with public about your product or creativity with the public.

  • Choose Right Friends

Choose right friends to stay happy on Facebook. Surround yourself with positive people to stay positive in life. Facebook always has the option of “Deactivate Account” whenever you feel you need a break.

Note: It is Deactivate Account not Delete Account which only stops account’s functioning and doesn’t lose data…

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Posted by: Himanshu Goel


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